The management of IncQuery Labs cPlc. is devoted to developing its service and product development activities in accordance with its customers’ quality policy and quality objectives.
To achieve the above goals, we operate an integrated management system according to the MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard, and we are continuously improving it. Moreover, we are also considering to implement the MSZ ISO/IEC 27001: 2014 standard.
Moreover, we are continuously improving the development of planning, service and sales area, taking into account management, consumer protection and reliability expectations to provide the desired level of quality and information security. IncQuery Labs cPlc. ensures the continuity of its operation, makes efforts to reduce and prevent risks and to protect the company’s information assets from external, internal, or accidental threats.
Therefore, we pay special attention
We encourage our service providers and clients to identify with our objectives.
We have the documents of the integrated management system at our auditors’ and clients’ disposal to make them sure of the appropriateness of the system’s application.
Budapest, 29. June 2021.
István Zoltán Ráth PhD